Soon helpline to report crime against cow

Dehradun | Thursday | 16th August, 2018


Nainital: The Uttarakhand Gau Seva Aayog is likely to soon roll out a helpline number which people can use to alert government agencies on crime against cow and its progeny. They will alert police and administration to crime against cows but will not be authorised to intervene on their own. After background verification, Gau Sangrakshaks will be given identity cards.In July this year, the aayog had decided to form Cow Protection Committees in all 13 districts of the hill state. The helpline will be built along the lines of other emergency services, according to Narendra Singh Rawat, chairman of the aayog.Rawat said that the helpline would be in sync with the Uttarakhand high court’s order this week which stated that every citizen has the right to bring to the notice of a veterinary officer the location of a cow or stray animal suffering from any disease or injury for its treatment. The court had, in the same order, declared itself legal guardian of cows.Rawat added, “The court has authorised every person of the state to bring to notice any such crime, so we are planning to launch a helpline number on the lines of emergency services like 100 (police) and 108 (ambulance).”The aayog will list volunteers as ‘Gau Sangrakshaks’ across 13 districts of the hill state through Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)..