U’khand pays paltry annuity to awarded defence veterans

Dehradun | Saturday | 15th December, 2018


The annuity figures (approximate) for PVSM is Rs 7,000 in UP, Rs 1,000 in Nagaland, Rs 5,000 in J&K and Himachal Pradesh and Rs 3,800 in West Bengal. PVSM, AVSM and VSM awards fall in the non-gallantry category. For AVSM the figures are Rs 6,000 in UP, Rs 1,000 in Nagaland, Rs 5,000 in J&K, Rs 4,000 in Himachal Pradesh and Rs 2,800 in West Bengal. Dehradun: The government of Uttarakhand, a state with a substantial number of serving and retired armed forces personnel, is paying a paltry sum as annuity to recipients of medal awardees. The first two are awarded by the President of India.“It is not easy to gain a PVSM, AVSM or VSM in the armed forces and only a select few officers get these awards annually during their service..