Hooch deaths Cong workers stage protest demand CMrsquos resignation

Dehradun | Sunday | 10th February, 2019


Dehradun: Scores of Congress workers took to the streets on Sunday against the Trivendra Rawat government over the Roorkee hooch incident in which several people have lost their lives.The party workers burnt effigy of the government at Astley Hall and called for the chief minister’s resignation for ‘failing to control the sale and manufacture of illicit liquor in the state’.Congress party’s state president, Pritam Singh, who led the protest, said, “So many people have died. Since the incident took place under the BJP regime, the chief minister and head of the excise department must step down on moral grounds.”The Congress party also demanded Rs 5 lakh compensation each for the families of the victims and sought strict punishment for those involved in the crime.The opposition party also demanded a high court-monitored inquiry into the matter..