Nearly 550 swine flu cases 38 deaths in Uttarakhand this year

Dehradun | Saturday | 30th March, 2019


In all, there have been 519 positive cases and 32 deaths in Dehradun, including from government and private hospitals,” said Dehradun’s chief medical officer SK Gupta. Dehradun registered most of the cases (519) followed by Haridwar (26) and Udham Singh Nagar (2).“We have 300 H1N1 positive cases and 28 deaths from Shri Sant Mahant Indiresh Hospital alone. DEHRADUN: According to data provided by the state health department, till Friday, the total number of swine flu positive cases in Uttarakhand were 548 while 38 people had been reported dead due to the H1N1 virus..