Rudrapur patrol unit officer fined for not wearing helmet

Dehradun | Monday | 16th January, 2017


These teams fine traffic violators for overspeeding, wearing no helmets, talking on phone while driving, etc. Rudrapur: When sub-inspector Ram Pradesh ventured out on his motorcycle without wearing a helmet on Sunday morning, little did he imagine that he would draw the attention of a vigilante youth and get a rap from the additional superintendent of police. “There has been a significant decline in the number of road accidents since October and 95% of the bikers have started wearing helmets and following traffic rules,” CPU inspector SL Kanyal claimed. Eight teams of these officers, dressed in blue and armed with equipment like alcometers, pistols and pepper sprays take to the streets to ensure road safety. “But I’m happy that my action brought results and that he was taken to task.”Motorcycle-borne CPU was introduced in Rudrapur last year to reduce incidence of crime and traffic violations in the city..