Civic body in Rudrapur misses deadline to clean river, nullahs

Dehradun | Friday | 16th June, 2017


The river is likely to flood Awas Vikas and Jagatpura areas this monsoon as desilting work has not been completed. A meeting was conducted with all stakeholders about their contribution in the river desilting, but public participation seems to be declining and needs to be enhanced. Nullahs will be cleaned by this week, and works which started late will be completed by June 15," she said.She also refuted the charges of discripancies in awarding tender for cleaning nullahs. No thought has been given to cleaning sewerage lines in narrow lanes and unplanned areas," he added.The river and most of the sewerages are clogged with sewage. "Keeping in mind that monsoon arrives by June 16, desilting and cleaning works should have been completed in advance..