Citing pending dues, Haridwar taxi operators refuse to send vehicles for Prez Kovind visit

Dehradun | Thursday | 21st September, 2017


In case the taxi operators have any problem regarding their outstanding dues, they can contact me in future.”Sources said that almost 24 vehicles, mainly mid-size cars as well as a few multi-utility vehicles were requisitioned by the district administration for President Kovind’s visit. Even though we have always co-operated with the administration and sent our vehicles, this time, we decided to put our foot down. A total of over Rs 25 lakh is pending for payment which the administration needs to clear within 15 days. This is the condition on which we have agreed to send our vehicles to them.”Reacting to the issue, Haridwar district magistrate Deepak Rawat said, “We are ready to clear all the outstanding bills as soon as possible. The President will be in Haridwar for a day and will participate in a programmed organised by the Divya Prem Seva Mission ashram at Chandighat besides performing a pooja at Har ki Pauri ghat..