HC fumes over delay in street lights’ installation at Aman Vihar

Delhi | Thursday | 18th January, 2018


Out of these, 209 cases were of missing minor girls and 180 cases were of missing of minor boys. It had also asked the government to undertake on priority the installation of CCTV cameras in Aman Vihar considering the “alarming situation prevailing” in the area. more-inThe Delhi High court on Wednesday expressed its displeasure over the city government and the civic bodies “passing the buck” on installation of street lights in Aman Vihar, which is notorious for disappearance of people, particularly children. A status report by Delhi Police had revealed that between 2015 and 2017 a total 389 cases of missing children were reported at Aman Vihar police station. Teji was surprised to learn that despite the assurances given to the court, the installation of street lights had not been completed and the authorities were fighting over the jurisdiction..