Anupriya inspects National Centre for Disease Control

Delhi | Friday | 19th January, 2018


more-inThe Union Health Ministry has allocated ?382 crore for upgrading of the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Anupriya Patel reviewed the Centre’s activities on Thursday. She visited the Epidemiology and Disease Control Complex and interacted with India Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers, undergoing two-year training at the NCDC in collaboration with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Atlanta under the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA). National Health PolicyMs.

Patel said the National Health Policy 2017 envisages a greater role for preventive and promotive aspects than curative, and that the NCDC can play a pivotal role in this aspect. During her visit to the Strategic Health Operations Centre (SHOC), Ms.

Patel reviewed the seasonal influenza (H1N1) status through videoconferencing with Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. In her address, Ms.

Patel also talked about Niti Aayog’s vision document (2017-18 to 2019-20) which suggests that the NCDC can act as focal point with greater authority and resources for disease surveillance, monitoring of health status, educating the public, providing evidence for public health action and enforcing public health regulations..