Find your Startup Inspiration and Chalo Startup

Delhi | Tuesday | 6th February, 2018


The second episode of the “Chalo Startup” delves into the creative space of that one idea entrepreneurs are looking for.

And surprisingly without any surprises, you’d realize that your startup idea could be lying just beside waiting to be discovered.


Every entrepreneur in making is churning out their brains to find that one amazing idea that would make them count themselves among the biggies of the market.

And where do we go about looking for those impeccable ideas? Internet? Autobiographies of business tycoons? Well, did that help? Got some inspiration, definitely but did that billionaire idea click?

The second episode of the “Chalo Startup” delves into the creative space of that one idea entrepreneurs are looking for.

And surprisingly without any surprises, you’d realize that your startup idea could be lying just beside waiting to be discovered.

Elaborating it further, This episode shows the journey of entrepreneur Deep Bajaj, and how he took the first step to solve the problem of dirty toilets that women face in India.

His patented design has come as a blessing for thousands of women.

Solving a real problem has given him great satisfaction even though he faced immense challenges.

But his long-term success is assured.

The key is not wasting his time on fancy ideas to revolutionize the century.

Tutored by an expert itself your mentor is Srikant Sastri who is a seasoned entrepreneur who has built and exited two successful ventures (Solutions Integrated, Team4U) and now is the originator of `Chalo StartUp`; a venture that trains budding entrepreneurs to lay the foundation of a successful startup.

Read what the expert has to say- ChaloStartup

Srikant, an engineer from IIT, Kanpur and an MBA from IIM, Calcutta is an active Charter Member of TiE Delhi and the Indian Angels Network.