Stalker hacks woman to death, surrenders

Delhi | Friday | 16th February, 2018


A week after being jailed for stalking a 22-year-old woman and harassing her, a man hacked the same woman to death in full public view on Wednesday evening in Ghaziabad’s Modinagar area. Police said that the accused, identified as Sachin Sharma, after committing the crime produced himself, carrying the weapon used in the crime, at the police station. The deceased’s uncle, Ram Bharose Lal said that on February 12, the accused Sachin Sharma had sent a message to Priyanka with the picture of a pistol to threaten her. The family claimed that Priyanka had mentioned in her complaint that the man was harassing her since, she got married last year. The family has demanded stringent action against the accused and persons who didn’t take the case seriously..