Chief Secretary returned Budget files, says Delhi Govt

Delhi | Monday | 12th March, 2018


Chief Secy Anshu Prakash Chief Secy Anshu PrakashTHE DELHI Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) Sunday accused Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash of “not accepting” files pertaining to the Budget speech, a charge senior bureaucrats of the joint forum described as “yet another attempt” by the AAP government to “intimidate” the bureaucracy. The CM desired on the file that the Chief Secretary should ensure how specific timelines will be adhered to,” the statement said. Sources said the Chief Secretary was not at home when the files reached his residence and his staff are under “standing instructions not to accept files in his absence”. The important part is monitoring and adhering to those timelines,” sources added. One of the files to Prakash was on the timeline related to mohalla clinics, the government statement said..