‘Pakistan needs to be reimagined’

Delhi | Tuesday | 10th April, 2018


Drawing on history of Belgium and Germany, he said Pakistan need not be afraid of being re-imagined. Regarding his current status as a scholar who faces charges of betraying his country, Mr.

Haqqani said the allegation does not disturb him. “Pakistan needs to acknowledge that unlike India and China, it has not been around for thousands of years and that it in the past, it shared its history with India. Some parts of Pakistan paid tribute to India and some parts of the present country paid tributes to Persia, and certain parts were independent in the past,” said Mr.

Haqqani, arguing that the history of Pakistan’s creation needs to be revisited. “There was a Germany that fought wars, but now we have a Germany which is peaceful,” said Mr.

Haqqani, who lives in the United States to avoid persecution at home..