Railways slammed for letting beggar board reserved coach

Delhi | Thursday | 24th May, 2018


They also did not dispute the allegations of the complainants that a beggar woman had entered the reserved compartment and had committed the theft.” They alleged that the Railways officials, including the coach attendant, were not available during the journey between Delhi and Mughalsarai, where the alleged theft took place. Dismissing the review petition filed by the Railways, the apex consumer forum further noted, “It is not in dispute that the complainants were travelling in a reserved compartment. more-inHolding Northern Railway guilty of negligence for not preventing an unauthorised person from boarding a reserved compartment, the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has directed the Railways to pay the complainants over ?1.6 lakh. The Railways was also asked to pay an additional ?15,000 to the complainants as compensation towards mental agony..