‘Why no action against schools for non-refund of excess fee?’

Delhi | Thursday | 31st May, 2018


The court had set up the panel and issued directions for refund of excess fee in 2011 on a plea by the NGO. The court said it had passed an order seven years ago for refund of excess fee collected by schools to the parents but it had not been done yet. The NGO, represented by advocate Ashok Agarwal, has also sought that the excess fee deposited in court by 118 schools, which challenged the recommendations, be released to the parents. Thereafter, the NGO had moved the court in 2015-16 claiming that over 500 private schools were yet to refund ?350 crore of excess fee taken from students on the pretext of implementing the 6th Pay Commission. more-inThe Delhi High Court on Wednesday asked the city government why it had not taken action against private unaided schools which had not refunded the excess fee charged by them, citing implementation of the 6th Pay Commission, despite a court-appointed panel’s recommendation to return the money..