Barkha Dutt accuses govt of intimidating her

Delhi | Thursday | 7th June, 2018


NDTV journalist Ravish Kumar and independent journalist Rana Ayyub had recently accused the ruling BJP of orchestrating systematic online and offline harassment. more-inSenior journalist Barkha Dutt, in a series of tweets on Thursday, said she had been receiving threats from certain quarters in the government who wanted her to stop working in TV news. I suppose i should be ready for phone taps, IT cases, ED raids, death threats - the meeting held by those who wield power have said - Stop her work projects," Ms.

Dutt said. "I never thought the day would come when in my own country, I would be told to hire private security & get my house debugged. She also tagged Information and Broadcasting Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore, asking him to take note of these threats..