BJP, AAP should stop dharna politics: Congress

Delhi | Friday | 15th June, 2018


Recalling her tenure as the chief minister, Ms.

Dikshit said the relationship between the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary "should be one of coordination." "Both the ruling parties in Delhi should stop this dharna politics," former Union Minister Ajay Maken said during a press conference, which was also attended by former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit. On whether the Congress supports President Rule in Delhi, Mr.

Maken said: "We don't support an elected govt to be dismissed this way. Congress leaders Ajay Maken and Sheila Dikshit during a press meet at AICC headquarters in New Delhi on Friday. | Photo Credit: Shanker Chakravartymore-inAs Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's sit-in protest along with his cabinet colleagues at the Lieutinent Governor's residence enters the fifth day, Congress has criticised both Centre and Delhi government..