Is Arvind Kejriwal really an IIT graduate

Delhi | Monday | 5th November, 2018


CHANDIGARH: Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh has rejected his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal 's claim that stubble burning in Punjab was solely responsible for high levels of pollution in the national capital as "ridiculous and nonsensical. However, it had been observed that the average AQI of Punjab during October 2018 was 117, while the average AQI of Delhi hovered around 270. Yet, Delhi's air quality continued to be "very poor", with an average PM2.5 concentrations of 208 micrograms per cubic metres on November 2, which was caused mainly from local vehicular and industrial emissions. "Can he (Kejriwal) really be an IIT graduate?" In particular, New Delhi AQI crosses the 400-mark due to high emissions from activities of a large population in a confined area of NCR and inversion phenomenon of the climate..