Vrindavan dead fish Why Delhi cant take blame

Delhi | Monday | 5th November, 2018


NEW DELHI: The Yamuna may be heavily-polluted in Delhi, but experts said that it can’t impact fish in Vrindavan. Manoj Misra, convener of Yamuna Jiye Abhiyaan, told TOI that by the time the water reaches Vrindavan and Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, the toxicity level goes down.“The water released in Delhi is no doubt filthy, but it won’t be right to say it kills the fish in Vrindavan. Essentially, fish die because of less oxygen or toxicity due to chemicals. On paper, there are 50-60% connections as part of Delhi’s sewage network, but in reality it is around 20% as there are very few people who have taken sewer connections. The 22-km stretch from Wazirabad to Okhla is only 2% of the river’s length, but 70% of the total pollution gets loaded here as 22 drains flow directly into it..