Celebs endorse govt’s anti-dengue campaign

Delhi | Monday | 9th September, 2019


“Our campaign against dengue is getting a lot of support, and many celebrities are also participating in it. The Chief Minister in the morning had also tagged a few celebrities to join the campaign. “I challenge @therealkapildev ji, @ShatruganSinha ji, @sardesairajdeep ji and @taapsee ji to participate in the #10Hafte10Baje10Minute campaign and inspect their homes. !”Bollywood actors Emran Hashmi, Taapsee Pannu and filmmaker Mahesh Bhat, and several senior journalists, including Rajdeep Sardesai, Nidhi Razdan, have supported the campaign. On September 1, Kejriwal had launched the campaign ‘#10Hafte10Baje10Minute’ by inspecting his house for clean standing water..