Innovators from IIT Jodhpur, AIIMS Jodhpur develop "Talking Gloves" for differently-abled

Delhi | Monday | 29th November, 2021


New Delhi, Nov 29 (PTI) Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur and the All India Institute Of Medical Science (AIIMS), Jodhpur have developed low-cost "talking gloves" for people with speech disability.

The patented device costs less than Rs 5000 and it uses principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to automatically generate speech that will be language-independent and facilitate communication between mute people and non-disabled people.

According to the team, the device can help individuals convert hand gestures into text or pre-recorded voices, making a differently-abled person independent and communicating the message effectively.

"The language-independent speech generation device will bring people back to the mainstream in today"s global era without any language barrier.

Users of the device only need to learn once and they will be able to verbally communicate in any language with their knowledge," said Sumit Kalra, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Jodhpur.

Additionally, the device can be customised to produce a voice similar to the original voice of the patient, which makes it appear more natural while using the device, Kalra said.