"Agnipath "recipe for disaster" owing to duality of privileges enjoyed by "Agniveers" and Sepoys

Delhi | Friday | 24th June, 2022


New Delhi, Jun 24 (PTI) Calling the "Agnipath" scheme "a big betrayal" with the youth of the country, former Congress MP Manvendra Singh Friday said it was a "recipe for disaster" given the duality of privileges enjoyed by an "Agniveer" inducted for short-term service and the Sepoy in regular employment in the armed forces.

Singh, the chairman of the Rajasthan Sainik Board, also claimed the delay in the appointment of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), seven months after the death of incumbent Gen Bipin Rawat, and the expansion of the pool from which the CDS will be picked, showed the government"s lack of confidence in the serving generals.

He asserted the new recruitment scheme will not only disturb the regional balance in the armed forces but also lead to problems of cohesion within the units.

"The duality of privileges prevailing in the unit is a sure recipe for disaster.

Because, in a combat situation, in any routine duties when there is a difference of status, difference of pay, perks and allowances between two soldiers doing the same duties, it is a very dangerous situation and a sure disaster," he said.

"There will be two types of soldiers, majority of whom have fixed jobs and old salary system, and the new Agniveers who will neither have that kind of salary nor leave or medical facilities.

In a combat unit, during war, having two types of soldiers can never be successful as there is a big difference between them.

I fear that this will affect the cohesion of the unit," Singh said.

He said Agnipath was a political decision as it was not formulated by a soldier, and claimed the armed forces were not in its favour.

He voiced concern over the the post of the CDS lying vacant since Rawat"s death in an air crash.

The government, Singh noted, has expanded the pool from which the CDS will be picked, but has not been able to decide on who will occupy the post.

The former Army officer said with the expansion of the pool 200 officers are eligible for the job of the CDS.

This, he alleged, shows the government does not have confidence in the existing two-three generals.

"If they were of the right calibre, then the government would not have to increase the pool of selection.