Delhi: Property dispute decided after five decades with 58 parties

Delhi | Sunday | 15th January, 2017


The suit was filed between four brothers, all residents of central Delhi, seeking partition of three properties of their father after his death. One of the oldest property disputes which dragged three generations of a family to court has reached finality after nearly five decades, with a Delhi court asking the litigants to arrive at a mutual agreement on the partitioning of the three buildings. The litigation which was initiated in 1968 between five parties, including four family members and DDA, has ended up with 58 litigants. It also granted liberty to the parties to purchase the share of each other by making payment of the share of the other person. “In case of a mutual settlement/agreement between the parties for partition, the settlement deed shall be filed before the court within six months which shall form part of the final decree,” the court said..