Girls In 'Crazy Sumit' Prank Videos Said They Knew Of Prank

Delhi | Tuesday | 17th January, 2017


The three "kissing prank" videos made by a 21-year-old prankster known as "Crazy Sumit" and his friend Satyajeet Kadyan were shot with the girls' consent, the police said on Tuesday. "The girls, however, admitted they did not know such videos were uploaded on social networking sites," the officer said. "Delhi Police have asked Google office in Gurugram to establish its role for uploading such obscene videos on social networking sites and YouTube Channel. They were not molested by him, Mr Singh said.According to a senior police officer, the girls denied to have been molested by Sumit.All the girls said they and Sumit were directed by Google and YouTube Channel's team to shoot such videos for more likes. "The three girls, seen separately in the videos, had admitted before the investigation officer they are Sumit's friends and the videos were shot with their consent," Sumit's father Lallan Singh told IANS.The girls said they were not even being forced by Sumit to kiss them and that was the part of "prank" video shooting..