9 dog bite cases every hour this year

Delhi | Sunday | 30th July, 2017


Last December, dog bite cases at anti-rabies clinics of the three civic bodies were over 80,000, while in 2015 the number was above 78,000. New Delhi: The capital has witnessed over 40,000 cases of dog bites this year alone, translating to over 200 cases daily or nine cases every hour.In the first half of this year, north corporation has reported over 23,459 cases at its hospitals and dispensaries, while east Delhi has seen 16,488 cases at anti-rabies clinics. Interestingly, south Delhi has reported only 893 cases of dog bites this year. Gauri Maulekhi from People for Animals Trust said, "So many dog bites can't be attributed to strays. The actual number of stray dogs on the city's streets is not known..