Turning rakhi into a symbol of peace

Delhi | Tuesday | 8th August, 2017


more-inActivists of the Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS) on Monday tied rakhis to people to spread the message of communal harmony. “But instead of solving such crises, the government is diverting the attention of the country by patronising the construction of a communal atmosphere. The government is apathetic towards the problems of the common people,” said Mr.

Jaman. Mr.

Jaman added that while the country was dealing with an economic crisis, there was also a growing demand for affordable education, better health facilities, and job opportunities. Keeping in mind this tense environment, KYS decided to tie rakhis to spread the message of harmony and to pledge to wage a united struggle against communal forces in the country,” said KYS member Shahnawaz Jaman..