Public meeting on ‘ideal DUSU’

Delhi | Thursday | 21st September, 2017


more-inAfter the new Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) was elected recently, several student groups during a public meeting at the Arts Faculty in North Campus on Wednesday focused on the work done by the union. Ironically, he said, a seminar on culture was held at the same venue as the proposed privacy seminar. ‘False promises’Besides discussing problems faced by students in the past year, the groups felt that DUSU should represent them instead of the administration. ‘Fest organising body’Devika Shekhawat of Pinjara Tod said, “We have gathered here to talk about the political imagination in DU and unitisation against students’ problems because we don’t want our students’ union to be just a fest organising body.” Mr.

Goyal said, “There’s a special path made of yellow tiles constructed for us, which is never cleaned..