Sector 50 residents pitch in to save tree outside school gate

Ghaziabad | Monday | 2nd July, 2018


All NCR cities should work towards updating the data,” he said.A spokesperson for the private school denied any plans to cut the tree. Noida Authority officials said if the school had the forest dapertment’s permission, the tree could be removed.The residents pointed out that the tree need not be cut as there is another gate to allow vehicles inside the school. The school, however, has ruled out any immediate plan to cut the tree. We have written to the Noida Authority several times,” Chavi Methi, a resident said.Green activist and lawyer Aditya Prasad explained why felling of trees was on the rise. But we have no plans to cut the tree,” he said.IP Singh, deputy director in the horticulture department of the Noida Authority, said: “If the school gets permission from the forest department, the tree can be removed since it is blocking the gate.”.