Ghaziabad: No trace of trio who set 16-year-old on fire

Ghaziabad | Monday | 7th January, 2019


GHAZIABAD: Even two days after a 16-year-old boy was set on fire in Gagan Vihar colony, police have not been able to nab the three accused in connection with the case.The victim, Shivam, worked with a catering agency in Ghaziabad . “The family members of one of the accused visited my house and hospital and threatened us to withdraw the case or face consequences,” said Shivam’s mother Sonu. “After the incident, the accused did not even visit their house. Even their family does not know about their whereabouts,” said Shlok Kumar, SP, Ghaziabad.According to the victim’s family, Shivam received over 70% burns and his condition is critical.Shivam’s family said they are being threatened by A accused’s family. He was allegedly doused by the three youths in their twenties after he asked the three accused to repair his mobile phone that they had broken during a party on January 1..