Teacher shortage in school at Dhaushirem irks parents

Goa | Tuesday | 10th July, 2018


Some parents have even warned of shifting their children to another school.This the third time parents of the school are agitating. PONDA: Parents of the Dhaushirem-Usgao government primary school have given the institution a week’s deadline to appoint the required number of teachers, failing which they have threatened to go on strike. The future of our children is bleak,” Satarkar said.The school has 86 students and as per rules, schools with 60 plus students have to recruit five teachers, including an English teacher Then, in November 2017, they had raised voice against the insufficient number of teachers following which more teaching staff had been appointed.Now, of the schools’ four teachers, one has retired, one has been appointed as a block level officer and another has sought a transfer.“We have met the Ponda assistant district educational inspector twice, but have only got assurances. President of the school’s parent-teacher association, Ulhas Satarkar said they have to agitate for basic educational needs and parents are annoyed with the attitude displayed by the education department towards the school.“The government asks parents to send their wards to government Marathi-medium schools, but when we do so, the education department harasses students by not providing necessary number of teachers,” Satarkar said.In February 2017, the parents had held a protest to get the current school premises opened for classes..