After public flak, govt & FDA say formalin inherent in fish

Goa | Saturday | 14th July, 2018


“But random raids will continue all over Goa to allay public apprehensions regarding the quality of fish,” FDA director Jyoti Sardesai told TOI.“We will continuously check and ensure that fish beyond a certain limit (of formalin) is not sold in Goa,” Rane said. “There is formalin inherent in fish. “There is no reason at the moment to panic,” he said.Putting the blame entirely on FDA, Rane said the government has not given the agency officials the right to stop the sale of fish. Formaldehyde in its liquid form is known as formalin. The scientific papers published in the International Journal of Fisheries and aquatic studies show that freshly caught fish contains presence of naturally occurring formaldehyde in the range of 1.45 mg/kg to 2.6 mg/kg..