Curtorim celebrated it feast of Khanddi Khuris

Goa | Tuesday | 21st August, 2018


QUEPEM: Thousands across religious lines attended the feast of Khanddi Khuris at Maina Curtorim , which is held annually on August 20. Some devotees also provide food in thanksgiving.“In the past, farmers would offer xit, koddi, verdur (veggies) and attol for dessert,” a local resident said. They also supply large quantities of food for the devotees. But now there is a wider choice. Another local, Santano Fernandes said, “This is a miraculous cross, and many favours prayed for have been granted.”Maina farmers sit in front of the cross and mark coconut leaves after each devotee asks for a favour or informs them about those granted.Some farmers act as volunteers at the venue from 4am till midnight..