Paroda project: Site to be restored before further work

Goa | Thursday | 20th September, 2018


PANAJI: The row over digging activity near the centuries-old Chandreshwar Bhutnath temple atop the Paroda hill has been resolved, as the work will be stopped till the site is restored to its original condition and due approvals are obtained.Officials from the department of archives and archaeology ( DAA ) conducted the inspection at the site on Chandranath hill on Wednesday. A road leads to the scenic spot, but a traditional way is by climbing more than 100 steps to the peak. The temple is related to the Bhoja dynasty, which ruled the region till the 8th century. “After the restoration of the site, mud required to create an uniform level for wall construction will have to be brought from some other area,” the official said.DAA officials said the row has been set at rest for the moment with both parties agreeing to stopping the work till GTDC obtains permission for the work. The controversy broke out a few days back after a contractor engaged by Goa Tourism Development Corporation ( GTDC ) started digging near the temple, triggering fears over destabilisation of the hill slope and marring the heritage ambience of the state-protected monument.“GTDC has been told to stop the work till they obtain permission from the department for it and restore the site to its original condition,” a DAA official said..