Now seized drugs in Goa to go to CFSLrsquos Kolkata lab

Goa | Saturday | 22nd September, 2018


Goa police have seized ganja, MDMA, cocaine, charas, LSD liquid, LSD paper, herion, amphetamine, ketamine, etc. “We have already started sending drug samples to them.”Goa police have sent several letters to the CFSL’s Delhi and Hyderabad labs to compare drugs, but they didn’t respond. Thus, around 22 cases pertaining to drugs like LSD MDMA , etc, hit a roadblock.Speaking to TOI, inspector general of police (IGP) Jaspal Singh said that after continuous follow-ups, the CFSL, Kolkata, has finally started accepting drug samples from Goa police. PANAJI: After a six-month hiatus, narcotics-related cases in Goa are set to be back on track after the Central Forensic Science Laboratory ( CFSL ), Hyderabad, informed Goa police that they would test seized drug samples at their lab.Earlier this year, the CFSL’s Delhi and Hyderabad units stopped accepting drug samples due to unavailability of reference material to identify them. As per ANC statistics of the last five years, among the foreign nationals arrested in the narcotics trade, 80% have been Nigerians..