Citizens queue up at Aadhaar centres to get errors rectified

Goa | Sunday | 7th October, 2018


Most of those affected by the problem had got their Aadhaar cards made in 2012 and 2013.Panic-stricken citizens have wasted time making repeated trips to Aadhaar facilitation centres, standing in queues and paying for correction of errors they were not responsible for in the first place. Panaji resident said she went through hell trying to get the mobile number on her Aadhaar card corrected.“I was first sent to one of the facilitation centres at a private building in Patto. “They were handing out just 15 forms a day and wouldn’t give more than one form per person. PANAJI: Hundreds of people have been queuing up at Aadhaar facilitation centers across the state to get their dates of birth and mobile numbers updated on the cards, despite having provided those details right at the outset. Only later did we learn we could have got the work done easily at a bank in Panaji,” she told STOI.In another case, a student’s parents were forced to wait in a queue outside an Aadhaar facilitation centre in Margao from 5.30am to get forms..