85% diagnosed with osteoporosis are women, most in early 40s

Goa | Wednesday | 17th October, 2018


PANAJI: Osteoporosis , the condition that causes bones to become weaker and more fragile, increasing risk of fractures, is seeing a new trend in the state. “Women, particularly working women, ignore their health. Today, even to cover a short distance people avoid walking preferring to ride two-wheelers instead. Here, too, the state’s premier government hospital is finding that an increasing number of women are developing osteoporosis.Most of these women are in their early forties as against the earlier trend that saw the condition developing among women in the five-year period before and after menopause.The alarming news, Bandekar said was that the T-score — a test to determine a person’s osteoporosis risk — for a large number of women was -2.5. “Physical activity is lacking,” he said..