400page chargesheet filed names 77 mining protesters

Goa | Friday | 2nd November, 2018


The protest turned violent and a lathicharge ensued.Police had arrested 13 persons for blocking the highway and damaging public property — including five KTC buses, a fire brigade and a police van. Thousands had gathered at the Kadamba bus stand in the city, from where they sought to march towards Azad Maidan, around 2km away. PANAJI: The Goa Police on Thursday filed a chargesheet before the judicial magistrate first class, Panaji , against 77 mining dependents for offences they were involved in during their protest in the state capital on March 21 this year.The dependents concerned have been charged for blocking the national highway and obstructing law enforcement authorities on the day. The rest were granted anticipatory bail.In the chargesheet, the dependents are accused of violating various sections of the Indian Penal Code , Section 8 of the National Highways Act 1956, and Section 3 of the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act. As many as 108 witnesses have been named in the 400-odd page chargesheet.The march to protest the closure of mining in Goa had brought Panaji to a standstill, as over 3,000 protesters had blocked the bridges over the Mandovi part of the national highway for over four hours, strategically cutting off the city’s entry and exit points and leaving thousands of commuters stranded..