Siolim prostitution racket: 3 years’ RI for convicted duo

Goa | Saturday | 8th December, 2018


Accordingly, on 29 May, 2017, the woman left from Mumbai in a bus for Goa. She was taken to a place where Faizal asked her to stay with a middle-aged man and work as a prostitute, which she refused. All of them were taken to the police station where she narrated her ordeal to the police.Assistant public prosecutor A Bhobe appeared on behalf of the state. The middle-aged man then left and the girl stayed in the said room for the night.The next day, she was rescued by police when Faizal was taking her on a scooter to another place at Siolim. MAPUSA: The judicial magistrate first class (JMFC) in Mapusa convicted the two men accused in the Siolim prostituion racket that was busted in May 2017.The accused, Mohammad Faizal, a resident of West Bengal, and Vicky Sharma from Assam, were convicted under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act and sentenced to three years of rigorous imprisonment.JMFC Durga V Madkaikar, while announcing the sentence, also imposed a fine of Rs 9,000 each on the convicted duo.The victim was brought from Mumbai on the promise of a job and forced into the flesh trade.The Anjuna police had filed a chargesheet against the accused for committing offences punishable under sections 4 and 5 of Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956.The prosecution said on May 31, 2017, Faizal was caught near Siolim bridge ‘handing over’ the woman to a male customer on Sharma’s instructions.The accused were found to be living on the earnings of prostitution activities.The victim told police that she was working as a beautician in a salon in Mumbai where one day she was told about an event in Goa, where she could provide beautician services..