‘BJP supported gambling, drugs and corruption’

Goa | Saturday | 7th January, 2017


"The BJP has lied to the people in Goa on the MoI issue and supported casino gambling, drugs in colleges, and corruption," Velingkar said. "They have fooled Goans on the pretext of MoI," he alleged.Also present at the meeting were senior Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch (BBSM) leader Uday Bhembre, Sakhali candidate Amonkar and Mayem candidate Atmaram Mayekar, among others. Bicholim: RSS Goa prant chief and Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM) leader Subhash Velingkar, on Wednesday, for the first time took his diatribe against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) beyond the medium of instruction (MoI) issue and went on to accuse the saffron party of supporting casinos and charged them with corruption.Velingkar was addressing a public meeting at Gokulwadi, Sakhali, organised by the GSM Sakhali unit as part of their candidate Suresh Amonkar's campaign. "It is a matter of concern that the chief minister of Goa, who is also the education minister, is making baseless statements in colleges, indirectly supporting gambling at casinos," he added.Velingkar urged the public not to elect such leaders in the future, "leaders who are bent upon selling and dictating to the state for their selfish motives".Bhembre said the BJP instead of concentrating on development had concentrated on "dirty politics" during the five years of being in power..