Valentine’s Day Special: ‘Boyfriend Rental’ service for singles!

Gurgaon | Monday | 12th February, 2018


Shakul Gupta, a 26-year-old Gurgaon-based entrepreneur, has come up with an interesting offer for all the love forlorn singles


Are bored and upset with social media going all lovey-dovey with hearts, roses, cupids and other icons of love because you have just broken up and don’t have a date for the day?

If you are looking for a part-time boyfriend without being too carried away by emotions, you could consider renting one.

Shakul Gupta, a 26-year-old Gurgaon-based entrepreneur, has come up with an interesting offer for all the love forlorn singletons.

 He is offering himself as a boyfriend on rent and is giving away for decent packages from “holding hands” to “anything you want” on Valentine’s Day this year.

Gupta can enact a host of personas that he thinks he can pull off for “prospective girlfriends” from the fantastical Christian Grey to the sweet lover boy or even act as ‘gay’ just ‘to make you laugh’

One can even avail a promo code to grab a “20% discount” as well as a “free Audi ride”.

Tariffs to avail the service will be provided on direct message only.

But if you prefer to just lazy around and watch Netflix, he could cook for you “any kind of food” 

He assures that “Your family will love me and so will your friends." Gupta describes himself as generous, open-minded and idealistic in his post.

He is even modest to inform his shortcomings.

He candidly mentioned that he cannot defend you from cockroaches, talk fashion and beauty or eat

And this is not the first offer Gupta has made for the day of love.

Last year he offered his followers to be his “Temporary Girlfriend” to accompany him on a trip to France.

Shukul Gupta claims to be the CEO and founder of
