100 shops, huts razed to clear 10 acres

Gurgaon | Friday | 23rd February, 2018


All these illegal structures were razed to the ground during a 3-hour drive.Kumar further said most of the illegal structures were in unacquired pockets along the master road. “Shops constructed in a row was spread over 4 acres while workers’ hutments were constructed on 5 acres ,” said Jakhad. Besides, nearly 50 illegal hutments were built within a 200m radius of the road, where labours were living in small and unhygienic rooms. Rules say a developer should construct hutments with all basic facilities for labourers working for it. Sources said there was enough pressure from influential people but the DTCP and Huda officials “ignored phone calls” and demolished the structures despite resistance from land owners.Officials claimed the department had razed illegal structures in this particular area last year too, following a complaint filed by residents on the CM Window..