How these slum girls beat football teams of elite schools, won laurels

Gurgaon | Monday | 23rd April, 2018


But both have embraced football.Ultimately, shares Col Chowdhry, the girls should be able to earn a decent living one day. But this has brought meaning to our lives,” Col Chowdhry told TOI.Choma Khera these days resembles a slum , and it is here that most of the 30 girls reside. The under-14s saw off the challenge of Modern School, Delhi, and Gems School, Dubai, on the way to the title. And earlier this month, these girls triumphed in both U-14 and U-17 categories, at the Doon Cup in Dehradun. Organised in Delhi by the Royal Rangers Football Club, the tourney was open to under-14 teams (in the under-17 edition, held last November, the Eagles finished runners-up)..