CM Manohar Lal Khattar shown black flags during roadshow

Gurgaon | Sunday | 20th May, 2018


With black flags in their hands and black badges tied on the hands, a group of persons, which included a woman, ran towards the cavalcade while waving the flags. The persons were later taken into custody.The police have confirmed the incident but refused to divulge the details. They, however, could not cross the road as they were overpowered by the security men as well as the BJP workers around the cavalcade. CHANDIGARH: Two days after a person threw black oil on Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar in Hisar on Thursday, a group of six men and women on Saturday showed black badges and flags to the CM during his roadshow in Kurukshetra.According to information, the incident occurred near the small bus stand area of Kurukshetra when Khattar was going from there as part of a road show..