Hisar: Rampal followers dodge police to enter Hisar ahead of court verdict

Gurgaon | Wednesday | 3rd October, 2018


Rampal’s followers are eating, drinking and throwing garbage in the open. HISAR: With a Hisar court expected to take up arguments in a murder case against controversial godman Rampal on Wednesday, thousands of his followers have reached the city by hoodwinking police over the past five days. They have occupied open spaces, including public parks, causing inconvenience to the residents.Rampal and some of his followers were acquitted on August 29, 2017, in two cases of illegal confinement and obstructing government officials from performing their duty. They have been camping in public places that is posing problems to the residents. Now, five cases, including sedition and murder, against Rampal and his followers are pending in the Hisar court.Hoping to get a favourable verdict for the jailed spiritual leader, his followers started moving to Hisar on September 28 even as the police had put up barricades at all entry points to the city to check the visitors..