87% of women in Gurugram never got breast examination conducted in hospitals

Gurgaon | Monday | 15th October, 2018


GURUGRAM: Over 87% of women in Gurugram have never undergone breast examination, making many of them vulnerable to breast cancer, the second most common cancer after cervical cancer among women in India. Breast cancer is among the five cancers that account for 47.2% of all the cancers in Indian women.“One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the country in every four minutes. Based on this, a breast ultrasound can be done, and when needed, a breast MRI is conducted,” she said.With advancements in technology, the treatment and surgery for breast cancer surgery have also changed. Breast cancer is curable up to 98-99.5% if detected early. According to data by the National Family Health Survey, only 12.6% women between the age of 15 and 49 in Gurugram have undergonebreast examination..