Haryana: 28-year-old woman gang-raped in Yamunanagar

Gurgaon | Monday | 19th November, 2018


Police are conducting raids on the basis of certain clues gathered so far," said Yamunanagar SP Kuldeep Singh The man searched for the survivor and took her to his house. We have started the investigations. She was riding pillion on the motorcycle of her known.As the two reached near Hamid head of the canal, five men who were sitting there allegedly stopped the motorcycle. YAMUNANAGAR: A 28-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped by a group of five persons in Yamunanagar on Saturday, police said.Police have started the investigations after registering the case.According to information, the incident occurred on Saturday evening when the survivor was on the way to her residence in a colony under Hamida police station ..