Ardee City residents get power bills after 7 months

Gurgaon | Monday | 25th February, 2019


Residents are also supposed to pay for costs of setting up the substation, which will be adjusted in subsequent bills.”Around 2,100 residents are living in Ardee City. Many residents told TOI that they are yet to receive their bills. “For the first bill, the amount was calculated on basis of average usage,” said K C Aggarwal, superintending engineer, Gurgaon Circle 1. In September 2018, the society ended the builder’s jurisdiction over its power distribution to become a direct consumer of DHBVN, after several rounds of protests. GURUGRAM: Discom DHBVN has begun issuing electricity bills to Ardee City , seven months after the township did away with the builder’s single-point connection and switched to the discom, in September 2018.The discom officials said that the first lot of bi-monthly bill was issued on Saturday.The first lot, for September-October 2018, was already sent to residents on Saturday..