CBI visits Ryan, digs up parts of campus for clues

Gurgaon | Thursday | 2nd November, 2017


GURGAON: A CBI team on Wednesday landed up at the Ryan International School campus where Class 2 student Pradhyumn Thakur was murdered and searched the compound for three hours.The team, according to sources, dug up the ground in some parts of the school. They also went around the campus with detecting devices, indicating it was a search operation. Sources said the CBI sleuths did not question anyone in the school.R K Gaur, spokesperson for the central investigation agency, only said the probe was on visits were part of it. Later that day, 42-year-old Ashok Kumar, conductor of a school bus, was arrested for murdering the boy. Police commissioner Sandeep Khirwar said on Wednesday, "We have handed over all documents and evidence collected to CBI and are assisting them when they asking us for any help.".