Spurt in number of Kannada speakers in northeastern states

Guwahati | Monday | 19th November, 2018


In Goa, it dipped from 74,615 to 67,923.Comparatively, the northeastern states collectively saw an increase from 4,255 to 5,605 while in J&K, up from 4,418 to 6,953. “It is possible that there were a greater number of soldiers from Karnataka posted during the census in the state,” renowned linguistics expert GN Devy said. But no thorough study has been conducted on this.”Experts agree that the decrease in the number of Kannadigas in Maharashtra, Andhra and Goa is because of increasing opportunities within Karnataka, especially in Bengaluru and its suburbs. It could also be that several residents have naturalised themselves. Prof AR Vasavi from the National Institute for Advanced Studies (Nias) said: “We could say that the increase in the northeast is largely because of the greater presence of the four Karnataka-based banks (Corporation, Canara, Syndicate and Vijaya) and also the number of people taking up positions in educational institutions..