River Saraswati tells India’s history: Professor

Hubli | Tuesday | 12th February, 2019


“Saraswati passed through Pakistan before meeting the Western sea through the Rann of Kutch and was approximately 4,000 km in length. The geologist, who is now a professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru Advanced Center for Scientific Research , Bengaluru, said the river passed through Haryana, Rajasthan and north Gujarat. “It originated in the Himalayas and met the gulf at the western sea,” he said. Around 1700 towns and villages were located around the palaeochannel concerned during Harappa civilisation, he added. DHARWAD: The origin and evolution of River Saraswati explains the history of India, said Prof K S Valdia, eminent geologist He spoke after inaugurating a 21-day induction programme for newly recruited assistant professors of history at Karnataka State Higher Education Academy ( KSHEA ) here on Monday.Prof Valdia, who headed a seven-member panel appointed by the Union ministry of water resources to study the river’s origin, said the panel had concluded that the Saraswati existed..